Notable Couples Therapist Quoted On Intimacy Podcast

Notable Couples Therapist Quoted On Intimacy Podcast

-Wendi Dumbroff shares insight regarding mindfulness in relationships and sex- Wendi L. Dumbroff, MA, LPC, was a guest on a recent intimacy podcast, ‘Sex, Love and Superpowers’. In a wide-ranging conversation, Host Tatiana Berindei and Dumbroff detailed the importance...
Notable Couples Therapist Featured In Yoga Journal

Notable Couples Therapist Featured In Yoga Journal

– Wendi L. Dumbroff discusses the connection between mindfulness and sex with the help of a new app –  Wendi L. Dumbroff, MA, LPC, was recently featured in Yoga Journal’s latest article regarding sex, meditation, and a new app. In the article, “This Sex...